Online Manual Handling Instructors Refresher Course

  • 12 Months Access 24/7
  • Lifts Assessed by Real Experts
  • Incl. Presentation Skills Course

Manual Handling Instructors Refresher Course.

Welcome to your online manual handling instructors refresher course. By completing this course you will enhance your skills with our comprehensive video-based training, designed specifically for seasoned instructors seeking to stay at the forefront of industry standards. This interactive experience not only updates your knowledge on manual handling but also sharpens your presentation abilities, ensuring you deliver captivating and effective manual handling training.
Write your awesome label here.

How the Course is Delivered!

  1. Complete the manual handling theory online.
  2. Complete the presentation skills course online.
  3. Upload 5 videos of you lifting 4 silent and 1 explaining the lift.
  4. Our experts will view and assessed your videos.
  5. Comprehensive feedback is provided by our assessor.
  6. Recommendations made to help you improve your skills.
  7. Ask our assessor for guidance receive personal answers.
  8. Download our comprehensive resource pack.

What's Included in Your Online
"Manual Handling Instructors' Refresher Course".

  • 8 Modules
  • 2 Certificates
  • Huge Bank of Questions
  • 60 Micro Learning Videos
  • Support Documents
  • Manual Handling Book
  • Upload Your Videos 
  • Videos Assessed by Our Experts
  • Presentation Skills Book
  • Ask the Trainer
  • Covers Irish Law
  • Meets HSA Guidance

Includes a
Manual Handling 
Powerpoint Presentation.

Upload Your videos to be reviewed with feedback by a real human assessor.

You Get 2 Certificates!
MH Instructor Refresher &    
Presentations Skills.
 Downloadable Digital Certs.

12 Months Access.
Review content as much as you like. Learn 24/7

Admin Documents for Instructors

Sign in Sheet and Exam

Master Certificate

MH Session Plan

Course Handout


2005 Act

2007 MH Regs

2007 Pregnancy Regs 

2007 PPE Regs

Guidance Documents

HSA Guidance 

MH Safety Tool Kit

REBA Assessment

Getting to Grips

Court Cases

20K Awarded

85k Awarded

Employer Liable

380K Awarded

PowerPoint For Instructors

MH Presentation

Prepare a Presentation 

Presentation (word doc)

Creating Power Points

Additional Resources That you Might Like


Back Care Book

MAC Assessment

Ups & Downs of Sitting

► Course Aims 

The Online "Manual Handling Instructors' Refresher Course" is designed to:

  • Update Knowledge: Provide instructors with the most current practices, techniques, and safety guidelines in manual handling.
  • Enhance Presentation Skills: Equip instructors with advanced presentation skills to effectively deliver training content.
  • Strengthen Practical Skills: Reinforce instructors' practical manual handling skills through expert assessment and feedback.
  • Facilitate Professional Growth: Enable instructors to maintain a high standard of teaching and stay competitive in the field.

► Course Objectives

Upon completion of the Manual handling Instructors' Refresher Course, participants will be able to:

Master Advanced Techniques:  Understand and demonstrate the latest techniques in manual handling. Apply ergonomic principles to reduce the risk of injury during manual handling tasks.
Deliver Engaging Presentations:  Utilise advanced presentation skills to enhance learner engagement and retention. Effectively communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner.
Conduct Effective Training: Plan and execute manual handling training sessions with confidence and professionalism.
Assess and provide constructive feedback to learners on their manual handling techniques.
Implement Safety Protocols:  Incorporate current health and safety regulations into training sessions.
Educate learners on the importance of safe manual handling practices.
Utilise Digital Resources:  Leverage the provided e-books and PowerPoint presentations to enrich training content.  Adapt and customise administrative paperwork for efficient course management.
Develop Continuous Improvement Strategies:  Reflect on personal teaching practices and identify areas for ongoing development. Engage with the online community for sharing best practices and receiving peer support.

► Course Prerequisites

You must have previously completed the QQI level 6 manual handling instructors course. 

► Course Certification

You will receive two certificates of completion issued by Guardian safety. These are valid for five years from date of completion of course. Certificate Title: Manual Handling Instructor Refresher & Presentation Skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this Manual Handling Instructor refresher course intended for?

This online manual handling instructor refresher course is specifically designed for individuals who have previously completed the QQI Level VI Manual Handling Instructors course. This course serves as a vital update and reinforcement of skills and knowledge for these professionals. It is intended to ensure that instructors remain up-to-date with the latest techniques, regulations, and best practices in manual handling. By participating in this refresher course, instructors are able to maintain their proficiency, ensuring they continue to deliver high-quality training and guidance in the workplace, thereby promoting safety and efficiency in manual handling tasks.

Can I complete this course if I do not have a QQI VI Manual Handling Instructor certificate?

No. This manual handling instructor refresher course is intended for trainers who have already completed their QQI Level 6 Manual Handling Instructor Training. Completing this course is not a substitute for the QQI certificate. This training is designed to enhance your existing skills and knowledge, and to help maintain your competence as an instructor.

How Long Does my QQI Manual Handling Instructor Certificate Last?

Like most professional qualifications your QQI Manual Handling Instructors Certificate lasts for life. However, having a certificate does not necessarily mean you are competent to deliver manual handling training. It essential that you keep your skills fresh by delivering training on a regular basis and ensuring that your knowledge and skills are up to date.
Completing our manual handling instructors refresher training is the ideal way to maintain that competence that is required to be a professional manual handling instructor.

What type of certificate will I get with my Manual Handling Instructor Refresher course?

You will receive a certificate which is issued by Guardian Safety. The certificate will state that you have successfully completed your manual handling instructor refresher training. As with your QQI certificate, there is no expiry date on this cert either.

Customer Testimonials

"The Training Platform itself was extremely user-friendly and all the Course Material was presented in a well-structured and point-specific format, was relevant and correlative to the training itself and was thoroughly informative."

Ciaran Bowes 

"Any issues I had in regards to completing my assessment or any queries I had were swiftly answered by the training team. Very happy with the training overall and felt supported throughout.Excellent course and excellent trainers".

Lisa Morrisson

"Excellent, the academy is a great tool and I found it useful for revision outside of the course. Andrew is good role model of a trainer. He made the course very enjoyable and does an excellent job at representing Guardian Safety. Honestly can’t fault him one bit".

Eoin o'Shaughnessy

Manual Handling Instructors' Refresher Course Content

"Enroll Now and take the first step in redefining your manual handling instruction skills with our expertly crafted refresher training course."
Meet the instructor

Jason Kearns 

This online "Manual Handling Instructors' Refresher Course" has been developed and delivered by Jason Kearns. Jason has been involved in health and safety training since 1995 and has been teaching QQI Level 6 manual handling instructors for the past 10 years. As a health and safety consultant, Jason has conducted hundreds of manual handling risk assessments, identified solutions to problems, and helped companies implement solutions to avoid risk from manual handling.
Jason Kearns - Course author and presenter
Thank you!

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