Fire Warden Instructor Resource Pack

This Fire Warden Instructor resource pack includes everything you need to deliver you own top notch professional Fire Safety Training courses. 

Includes Fire Safety/Manager/Warden PowerPoint Presentations, Legislation, Stats, Sign in Sheets, Certs, MCQ Tests, Videos, Codes of Practice, etc.

  • 100% Online Access
  • PowerPoint Courses
  • Fire Warden Course 
  • MCQ Tests (Excel)
  • Course Handouts
  • 12 Months Access
  • Sign in Sheets (Excel) 
  • 36+ Download Files
  • Sample Certificate

Who is this resource pack intended for?

This resource pack is intended for instructors who are currently undergoing Fire Warden Instructor Training with Guardian Safety.

It is also ideal for any trainers who have already undertaken a Fire Warden/Safety Instructors Course elsewhere and need additional resources to help improve their training and keep their own skills and knowledge up to date.
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All your resource materials will appear beneath the headings below once you are registered.

Administration Documents

We've included everything you need to deliver your own Fire Safety Training including course handout, session plan, sign in sheets, MCQ tests and venue checklist. There are also links to YouTube videos which you can download and use for training.

Downloadable Fire Presentations

You'll receive a number of PowerPoint presentations which you can use to deliver your own Fire Safety/Fire Warden/Fire Manager training. In general this fire training can be used for any organisation. However, we've included more specific training for nursing homes.

Fire Statistics

We have included the most up-to-date fire statistics available from the Department of the Environment. These can be a very useful talking point when delivering training, demonstrating your superior knowledge of fire safety. Fire statistics are usually 1-2 years behind in Ireland. 2023 statistics most likely won't be compiled until mid 2024.

Fire Related Legislation

We included copies of the most common legislation and codes of practice pertaining to fire safety in Ireland. Certain codes of practice such as IS Standards must be purchased under licence from the NSAI, so unfortunately we can't share copies.

Sample Flow Diagram Emergency Procedures

Here's a sample of part of the evacuation flow diagram for a nursing home. We would recommend preparing your emergency procedures in flow diagrams as they are easier to follow and can be broken down into individual roles. No need to be reading long winded complicated emergency procedures when they can be prepared in flow diagram format. There are multiple types software including Microsoft Word, that can be used to create flow diagrams. Alternatively you can download flow diagram software from the App Store and Play Store.