Fire Safety Training - Online Course

Fire Safety Training Course

This Fire Safety Training Course teaches you what fire is, how it develops and how you can prevent it from ruining lives and destroying businesses. It covers your legal responsibilities, the fire triangle, common causes of fires, fire prevention, what fire safety arrangements are necessary for your business, and the importance having emergency procedures.
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  • 100% Online Training
  • 75 Minute Completion Time 
  • Immediate Certification 

Fire Safety Training Course Details

About This Course
Course Content
Who this course is intended for
Test and Certification

About this Fire Safety Training?

Course Aim: The aim of this fire safety training course, is to teach you about the different types of fires that could take hold in your workplace or at home. You will learn how to prevent these fire from occurring and what action to take if a fire does develop. 

You will learn about the different classes of fire and the relevant fire extinguisher that can be used to extinguish these fires.

You will also learn about important topics such the main causes of fire, fire prevention, evacuation procedures, and other fire safety related features within your building.

Fire Safety Training Course Content

This course is divided into Six modules:
  1. Chemistry of Fire.
  2. Common Causes of Fire.
  3. Basic Fire Safety Feature in Buildings.
  4. Introduction to Fire Extinguishers.
  5. Using Fire Extinguishers
  6. What to do in the Event of a Fire,

Who Should Complete this Fire Safety Training?

Fire safety and fire prevention is an important skill set for all employees regardless of their occupation. Health and Safety legislation states that all employees must be trained in matters of health and safety regardless of their status in a company, this includes training in fire prevention and what to do in the event of a fire.

Apart from employees other groups who should attend fire safety training include:
  • Members of the Management Team.
  • Building owners and property managers responsible for the safety of a building.
  • In general, anyone who wants to be prepared to respond to a fire emergency and protect themselves and others from harm should consider completing this fire safety training.