DSE/VDU Awareness Training Online

DSE Awareness Training Course Snippet
DSE Awareness Training Online

Course Summary
  • Video time: 28 Minutes
  • Exams: 3 short multiple choice exams
  • Support Material: 1 DSE e-book
  • Certificate: Downloadable Cert
  • Certifier: Guardian Safety
  • Cert Validity: 3 years
  • Closed Caption: All Videos
DSE Awareness Training is an online course for both employees and employers. If you are DSE user you need to complete this course. Whether you work at home or in the office, our DSE Awareness Training course covers everything you need to know, to ensure that DSE workstations are set up correctly so they do not present a risk to the safety, health and welfare of the DSE user. 
This course is made up of videos followed by multiple-choice questions; once you complete the course, you can download your certificate in the final module.

Free DSE Book Included

Receive a free DSE Awareness Training Book Worth €10
  • Free DSE book included for all users
  • Download for your own use
  • Suitable for Employers and Employees
  • The only course in Ireland with a DSE Book Included
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Are you a DSE user?

A DSE user is defined as an employee who works on a computer for at least an hour a day and/or regularly during their usual working routine. This include employees working from home. If you are a DSE user you need to complete this training.

Course Content

This DSE awareness training course covers DSE legislation, the health effects of using DSE, and setting up your DSE equipment correctly. In additions to this we will look at the following topics:

  • We will consider remote or lone working, fire safety at home and housekeeping.  
  • We look at the mental welfare of the employee and suggest ways in which the employer and employee can work together to ensure employees and employers remain in contact while remote working.
  • You will learn how to set up your chair, desk, keyboard, mouse, phone, monitor and other associated equipment.
  • We’ll explain how to achieve a comfortable working environment whilst minimising the risk of injury or ill-health associated with using Display Screen Equipment.

Is this course for you?

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This DSE awareness training course is ideal for the following:
  • All DSE users
  • Managers
  • Safety Professionals
  • HR professionals
  • Supervisors
  • All any computer users
  • DSE Risk Assessors
  • Health and safety consultants
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What if I use a laptop?

If you use a laptop for more than one hour a day and/or on a regular basis as part of your work routine, well then DSE regulations will apply to you, and therefore a laptop on its own is not considered as suitable equipment, this course will detail the requirements for laptop users.

What's included in our DSE Awareness Training Course?

Whats included?

  • 4 Modules
  • 14 Questions
  • 1 Certificate 
  • 16 Videos
  • 1 e-book

Why Do a DSE Awareness Course?

It is a legal requirement for all employees who work on a computer for more than one hour a day and/or on a regular basis to be provided with awareness training that covers the law, setting up your equipment and the health effects of incorrect use. This course will satisfy that legal requirement for training and will provide you with certification to confirm that you have completed this training. This training does not substitute a DSE Risk Assessment.

What's in it for me?

By completing this training will learn how to avoid the known ill health or injury associated working on display screen equipment, such as repetitive strain injuries, work-related upper limb disorders, musculoskeletal disorders and mental health issues. This course will help you both professionally and personally.
Remember: By law your employer must carry out a DSE Risk assessment if you are a DSE user.
Meet the instructor

Jason Kearns

Hi there, I'm Jason and I'm your instructor for this DSE awareness training course. I have been conducting DSE Risk Assessments for a wide range of clients throughout Ireland for over 15 years. During that time I have accumulated vast amount of experience and knowledge as a DSE Risk Assessor. I developed this course with both employer and employee in mind, with the intent of providing information in a simple unambiguous format which is easy to understand and follow. I hope you enjoy the course, if you need any more information or guidance on implementing your DSE procedures, feel free to contact us, were always happy to help.
Yours sincerely, Jason.
Patrick Jones - Course author